“…” teması ile IV. Uluslararası Eğitimde Mükemmellik Kongresi, eğitim alanında ve disiplinlerarası çalışmalarda daha iyiye ulaşmak, yüksek akademik standartlarda bilime katkı sağlamak ve sürdürülebilir mükemmelliği sağlamak için eğitim ve eğitimle ilgili olan uygulama ve kurama dayalı özgün çalışma başvurularını bildiri olarak değerlendirmeye kabul etmektedir.
Papers provide participants with the platform to verbally present the findings of their theoretical, empirical, or applied studies within the realm of education and training. These papers can be categorized based on the program’s thematic areas. Each paper session is overseen by a chairperson who is responsible for managing time and fostering discussion.
In the case of collaborative papers, one of the authors is designated as the correspondent and presenter. This designated individual takes on the responsibility of submitting the abstract, communicating the acceptance process to other authors, and registering the presentation once accepted. The name of this designated person is prominently displayed on the presentation table. Papers are accepted for presentation if they have successfully completed the research process Araştırma süreci tamamlanmış çalışmalar bildiri olarak kabul edilir.
Bildiri sunumlarında TÜBİTAK tarafından hazırlanan “Etkili Sunumlar İçin El Kitabı”nda belirtilen ilkeler dikkate alınmalıdır. Yayını incelemek için tıklayınız.
Paper Information
Paper Title: The paper title should be written in Times New Roman, 12 points, bold font, and centered. The paper title should not exceed 12 words. Only the first letters of the words in the title should be capitalized. If the work is a project, thesis, etc., please specify it in the footnote (For example: This study was produced as part of the 2219 TUBITAK project).
Author Information: Author name(s) should be written in Times New Roman, 11 font size, in normal font, and centered. The first letter of the author’s name should be capitalized, and all letters of the surname should be written in capital letters just below the paper title (Ex: Erkan KIRAL). Additional information about the authors (responsible author, institution, e-mail address, Orcid number) should be provided in the footnote.
Abstract: The abstract should be written in Times New Roman, 10 pt, regular font, single-spaced, and justified without paragraphs. The abstract should be between 200-250 words in length. In the abstract, please include the purpose, research method, research design, year and time period of the study, participant information, sampling method, research findings, and a few examples from the research proposals. Keywords should not exceed 5 words. For example:
Keywords: School, manager, leadership, excellence
However, in conceptual studies, appropriate subheadings can be used for the conceptual argument or subject being introduced or discussed (for example, Purpose, Suggested Conceptual Argument or Model, Effects).
Keywords: When writing the Keywords, use Times New Roman, 10-point font, Normal font style, left-aligned, and not exceeding 5 words. Keywords should be separated by commas.
Bibliography: If references are used in the abstract, they should be cited in APA 7 style. The bibliography should be provided in Times New Roman, 10 pt, Normal font style, and according to APA 7.
Research History and Information About the Authors: Include research history (For example: [1] This study was conducted as part of the 2219 TUBITAK project) and other author information (responsible author, institution, e-mail address, Orcid number) at the bottom of the page. For example: Responsible Author: [Author Name], [Institution], [E-mail Address], ORCID: [ORCID Number]
Paper Presentation Language: Select the language in which you will present the paper (Turkish or English).
Publication Permission: Indicate whether you have given permission for your research to be published in the specified journal if it is deemed suitable.
E-mail: Please provide your valid e-mail address for notifications and system login.
Mobile Phone: Do not enter an invalid or fixed phone number, as system notifications will be sent to the mobile phone number provided.
Posters, offering the opportunity to visually present the findings of theoretical, empirical, or applied studies on the congress theme, will be displayed in the designated area throughout the duration of the congress. Poster presenters are kindly requested to be present at their posters during the specified half-hour time slot in the program to engage with attendees interested in their work.
For collaborative poster submissions, one of the authors should be designated as the responsible person for the poster submission. This designated author will be responsible for submitting the poster abstract, informing other authors about the acceptance process, and completing the registration procedure upon acceptance.
Poster presenters are responsible for the following: Setting up their posters in the designated area during the scheduled presentation dates. Responding to participants’ questions during the poster session. Removing their posters and any accompanying materials at the conclusion of the congress. Please note that only completed works will be accepted.
The poster application should include the following information:
Posteri başlığı ve konusu,
The author responsible for the poster and, if applicable, other co-authors
A summary of the poster
Poster Template Format
Poster dimensions should be 70×100 cm.
For text and content, use Times New Roman font in bold. The recommended font sizes are 100+ for the title, 36+ for the sub-title, and 24+ pt for the main text.
The publications (articles, posters) submitted to the congress undergo a rigorous blind review process by the Congress Scientific Committee before acceptance.